Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy (!) Halloween



Arnfinn Pettersen said...

Eller som Deborah Ross kaller det: The great holiday of staying indoors, with the lights out, hiding behind the sofa, pretending there's nobody home ...

Lady Mju said...

Jeg likte Halloween kun en gang i mitt liv - i Montpelier i USA. Da ga det mening og var faktisk hyggelig. Gamle hus som var pent dekorert og i det ehele tatt var det en familiedag.

Men ellers: staying indoors, with the lights out, hiding behind the sofa, pretending there's nobody home.

Unknown said...

Next year, you mustcome back for a real Halloween with a corn maze, apple cider, stuffed pumpkin (you remember this?) and carved jacl-o'lanterns!! And costumes!! I think it should be a tradition.