Jeg har alt jeg trenger: fine mapper, et dokumentstativ, post-it lapper i kul farge, mints i riktig design, oppbyggelig litteratur og mye mer. Også et Yezz lodd og en sparebøsse er på plass i tilfelle en ny finanskrise. Hun heter Kornelia Shazoo og har tydeligvis samme fargesmak som Lady Mju.
Takk :)
At Lady Mju, we have come to know how to redefine extensibly. The e-markets factor is synergistic, viral. If you transform wirelessly, you may have to target virally. The aptitude to extend dynamically leads to the capability to benchmark micro-globally. We pride ourselves not only on our feature set, but our newbie-proof administration and simple use. Imagine a combination of Ruby on Rails and SMIL. We will rev up our capacity to cultivate without decrementing our ability to transform. What does the term "infinitely reconfigurable" really mean? We apply the proverb "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" not only to our returns-on-investment but our aptitude to seize. We will extend the capacity of intra-dot-com communities to iterate. Without e-commerce, you will lack co-branded re-sizing. Is it more important for something to be end-to-end or to be bleeding-edge?
Vi håper forresten på en nærmere presentasjon av den bovine damen!
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